Bold Journey | Meet Cherie Morris

Surviving & Thriving After Divorce Free Online Divorce Advice


Read the full interview here!

About Bold Journey

Every problem or dilemma we face has been faced by countless others in the past and so we wanted to create a place to have conversations around those challenges – be it finding a way to thrive after divorce, bouncing back after a layoff, overcoming imposter syndrome or developing the ability to ignore haters.

Living life boldly means exposing yourself to all sorts of risk – risk of loss, risk of criticism and judgement, risk of mental, emotional, or physical distress.  It’s no wonder, so many of us are raised to not live boldly, to not take risks, to not push ourselves to reach our highest potential.

In our view, one of the best ways to deal with those challenges is to learn from the stories and experiences of others.  We think it’s insane that after thousands of years of human civilization, it is still so hard to find stories related to the problems you might be facing at any given moment.  Our mission is to create a space for all of us to learn from each other.  We believe the stories, experiences and insights of our neighbors, friends and peers are worth more than all the wealth in the world as these stories are the most relevant and authentic sources of wisdom.

Our love of the storytelling format comes from our founding of VoyageLA almost a decade ago, where we ask folks to share the story of their lives and how they got to where they are today. As we’ve expanded to cities across the country, we’ve been blown away by the realization that there are so many lessons and so much wisdom within our communities – but not nearly enough coverage.

There is so much we can learn from each other and we hope these stories inspire you to pursue your passion and support those who are doing so themselves.