Dear Divorce Coach

Intro To Co-Parenting Advice Column

Intro To Co-Parenting Advice Column

Dear Divorce Coach: I see friends who are divorced happily cooperating to take care of themselves and their kids, but my co-parent and I don’t do that. I don’t even know where to begin because no matter what I do or say, he responds negatively. Can you help?

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5 Tips For Better Communication With A Difficult Co-Parent

5 Tips For Better Communication With A Difficult Co-Parent

Dear Divorce Coach: My ex and I are newly divorced and have decided to co-parent our two children, but they are an extremely difficult co-parent, always fighting me on everything. Do you have advice for how to move forward and better handle our fights so we can make co-parenting work?

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How To Love Valentine’s Day When You’re Divorced

How To Love Valentine’s Day When You’re Divorced

Dear Divorce Coach: Valentine’s Day has never been my jam whether I was dating or when I was married, but I’m currently going through a divorce and for some reason, I can’t stop thinking about it this year. I’m sad and lonely and even though it’s just one day, I’d love some advice for how to get through February.

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