Dear Divorce Coach: Valentine’s Day has never been my jam whether I was dating or when I was married, but I’m currently going through a divorce and for some reason, I can’t stop thinking about it this year. I’m sad and lonely and even though it’s just one day, I’d love some advice for how to get through February.
Dear Divorce Coach
ADVICE COLUMNSetting New Year’s Goals Post Divorce
Dear Divorce Coach: Over the past few years, I finalized my divorce, tried to pick up the pieces, balanced (not well) single-parenting with a full-time job, and in the process, I feel like I’ve lost sight of me. What tips or advice do you have to help me go into this new year with a plan?
Holidays and Divorce: How to Create New Traditions for You (and Your Kids)
Dear Divorce Coach: I’ve been sharing custody with my ex during the holidays for the past several years. But as summer turns to fall, I keep finding I have to steel myself against; the memory of my old family traditions that are so much harder now that I have to co-parent.
Managing Holidays in Separation and Divorce
Dear Divorce Coach: I’m am very stressed about the upcoming holidays with my ex and our young children. I feel like they’re going to be a mess and I’m just going to spend it fighting with him about everything. What can I do so that I can actually enjoy the season the way I used to?
How Do I Handle Gift-Giving After My Divorce?
Dear Divorce Coach: These are my first holidays post-separation and I’m trying to figure out how to go about a plan with my ex for giving gifts to our young children. Do you have any tips you can share?
How Do I Co-Parent with My Ex During the Holidays?
Dear Divorce Coach: I’m struggling to figure out how to coparent and connect with my kids, 9 and 6, when they spend holidays with their dad. I feel isolated and it’s hard to spend a longer time away from them than usual.